Review of David Lewis, Philosophical Manuscripts (NDPR, 2024).
Review of The Bounds of Possibility: Puzzles of Modal Variation (J Phil, 2023).
Comments on Lin and Ho’s “Mereological Nominalism” (for Eastern APA 2023).
Comments on Shen Pan’s “Dynamic Music, Non-Dynamic Time” (for Eastern APA 2022)
Modal Matters: Essays in Metaphysics (Oxford University Press, 2020).
Comments on Ethan Brauer’s “Metaphysical Nihilism and Modal Logic (for Eastern APA 2020)
Interview published in the Reasoner (2020)
A Sketch of Reality (2018). Chapter 1 of Modal Matters.
“Is There a Humean Account of Quantities?” (2017, Philosophical Issues). Reprinted in Modal Matters.
Comments on Jennifer Wang’s “Fundamental Essences” (for SPAWN 2017).
Postscript to “Principles of Plenitude” (2016, in Modal Matters).
Postscript to “Plenitude of Possible Structures” (2016, in Modal Matters).
“Composition as a Kind of Identity (Inquiry, 2015). Reprinted in Modal Matters).
“Ontological Commitment” (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2014).
“The Methodology of Modal Logic as Metaphysics” (PPR, 2014).
“Review of The Four-Category Ontology” (AJP, 2009).
“Concrete Possible Worlds” (Contemporary Debates in Metaphysics, 2008). Reprinted in Modal Matters.
“David Lewis: On the Plurality of Worlds” (Central Works in Philosophy, 2006)
“Review of Travels in Four Dimensions: The Enigmas of Space and Time ” (BJPS, 2006)
“McGinn on Non-Existent Objects and Reducing Modality” (Phil Studies, 2004)
“Review of The Concept of Time” (Phil Review, 1997)
“Review of Modality, Morality, and Belief” (JSL, 1997)
“Identity” (Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Supplement, 1996)
“Properties” (Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Supplement, 1996)
Realism Without Parochialism (1992, with added notes and postscript) Chapter 2 of Modal Matters.
“Plenitude of Possible Structures” (1991; longer, unpublished version) Reprinted in Modal Matters.
“Plenitude of Possible Structures” (J Phil, 1991)
“Arguments for Church’s Thesis” (Unpublished, 1991)
“Absolute Time vs. Absolute Motion” (Philosophical Perspecctives on Newtonian Science, 1990)
“Quantified Modal Logic and the Plural De Re” (Midwest Studies, 1989) Reprinted in Modal Matters.
“Review of Mass Terms and Model-Theoretic Semantics” (JSL, 1988)
“Review of The Metaphysics of Modality” (Phil Review, 1988)
“Reducing Possible Worlds to Language” (Phil Studies, 1987). Reprinted in Modal Matters.
“Principles of Plenitude” (1986, notes added 2016) Chapter 9 of Modal Matters.
“On Living Forever” (1985). Chapter 12 of Modal Matters).
Worlds and Propositions: The Structure and Ontology of Logical Space (Doctoral Dissertation, 1983)