Special Topics: Solid State Physics (P897), Spring 2023
Instructor: Romain Vasseur, Assistant Professor
office: Hasbrouck 405A
email: rvasseur[at]umass[dot]edu
office hours: by appointment and email, Slack, or visit my office
Lectures: TuThu 10.00-11.15am, room: Has 136
Suggested reading materials:
- “Quantum Phase Transitions”, Subir Sachdev (Cambridge University Press).
- “Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics”, Eduardo Fradkin (Cambridge University Press).
- “Quantum Field Theory of Many-body Systems: From the Origin of Sound to an Origin of Light and Electrons”, Xiao-Gang Wen (Oxford Graduate Texts).
- “Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter: An Introduction”, Ramamurti Shankar (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics).
Website: https://websites.umass.edu/rvasseur/teaching/. See slack channel for class updates.
Grading: The course grade will be based on the problem sets (65%), and a take-home exam (35%).
- Introduction: QFT, cutoffs and universality
- Transverse field Ising model: phases and excitations, Jordan-Wigner transformation, duality and Majorana fermions. Kitaev chain and Majorana edge modes
- Quantum-classical correspondence
- Majorana field theory
- Scaling and a (very) brief introduction to the Renormalization Group
- Bosonization and Luttinger liquids
- Free fermion and free boson CFT
- Bosonization
- Luttinger liquids
- Discrete gauge theory and topological order:
- 2+1d Ising duality and Z_2 Gauge theory
- Deconfinement and Abelian topological order
- Anyons and Toric code
- Time Permitting: U(1) Spins and superfluidity, Superfluid-Mott insulator transition, Topological defects and particle-vortex duality.
Lecture Notes:
- Introduction
- Transverse Field Ising Chain
- Quantum-Classical Correspondence
- Majorana Field Theory
- Scale Invariance and RG
- Bosonization and Luttinger Liquids
- Gauge theories
Problem Sets: See Slack.
Final Exam:
- 2/7: Introduction, transverse field Ising model, symmetry. Chap 1, Chap 2: pages 1-2.
- 2/9: Quantum Ising chain: phases and excitations, spontaneous symmetry breaking. Chap 2: pages 3-6.
- 2/14: Domain walls, KW duality, Majorana fermions. Chap 2: pages 7-10.
- 2/16: Majorana fermions cont’d, Hamiltonians, phases and Majorana edge modes. Chap 2: pages 11-13.
- 2/21: TF Ising model: Exact solution. Quantum to classical mapping in 0d. Chap 2: pages 14-15. Chap 3: pages 1-2.
- 2/23: Quantum-to-classical correspondence, finite T and T=0 universality classes. Chap 3: pages 3-6.
- 2/28: Continuum limit of the TFIM, Majorana field theory, equations of motion. Chap 4: pages 1-3.
- 3/2: Relativistic Majorana equation, Fermionic coherent states and Grassmann variables. pages 4-6.
- 3/7: Kitaev chain, domain wall and Majorana zero mode in continuum picture. End fermionic functional integral. Chap 3: appendix on Kitaev chain. Chap 4: page 7.
- 3/9: Majorana field theory, Lagrangian and scale invariance. Chap 4: pages 8-10. Chap 5: page 1.
- 3/21: Conformal invariance, finite T correlators, primary operators. Wilsonian RG. Chap 5: pages 2-6.
- 3/23: RG cont’d. Irrelevant operators, Majorana CFT fixed point and universality. Chap 5: pages 7-10.
- 3/30: Free fermion CFT. Chap 6: pages 1-4.
- 3/31: Free boson CFT. Chap 6: pages 5-7.
- 4/4: Vertex operators, compactification. Chap 6: pages 8-11.
- 4/6: Compact boson CFT. Start bosonization. Chap 6: pages 11-14.
- 4/11: Bosonization, dictionary. Chap 6: pages 14-16.
- 4/13: Bosonization of the XXZ spin chain. Chap 6: pages 17-20.
- 4/20: Bosonization of the XXZ spin chain cont’d. Chap 6: pages 20-23.
Solutions available on Slack channel